Our Disclaimer

As I have already made clear - we are not fire scientists or we are not making any claim to being professional fire bunker builders.

There's a definite lack of easily accesible info on how to make a fire safe room, maybe because local government and councils are concerned about liability? but then again, would we really want to have a whole stack of laws and regulations to follow?

Our combined knowledge and intuition is just that. As a team of four people we pooled our resources and different attributes to design and construct our magnificent fire bunker.

One of us is really good at building with mudbricks, building on a shoestring and with a working knowledge of kilns and thermal properties of different earthen materials.

Another of us is really good at getting things done and has seen up close just how destructive a freak fire storm can be...She gave us the motivation to keep going, with lots of cups of tea, well-timed snacks and cheering on.

The Steel Fabricator knows how to make things out of the right materials for the right purpose and is a genuine and certified engineer and genius.

and me, well, I can do internet research, make basic blogs, am a good brickies labourer and I've got a certificate in Confined Space Entry.

This certificate has made me feel absolutely entitled to boss people around when it comes to ensuring the fire bunker design and materials will not suffocate or poison anyone seeking refuge in it.

( I'm also good at opening beers at knock off time and preparing really good mud mortar)

There's many people who do have expert and highly informed knowledge about fire safety and fire bunkers, and we are not any of these people...that's our disclaimer.

Here's a link to have a look at for starters:

Anything by Ian Pullar -

Ill post more as I organise this site.